Blink Lending
At the beginnings of Blink Lending's journey towards becoming a distinguished and established entity, it was acknowledged that MDG's wealth of experience, successful track record, and proven capabilities in constructing comprehensive brand identities was absolutely indispensable. This process was marked by the ideation, creation, and refinement of Blink Lending's distinct brand, with a specific focus on the core elements that would make it stand out in the competitive business landscape.
Tailored Loans and
Personal Service
Conversation Counts
Crucial to the success of every project, we learned about the specific business goals and must-have’s through conversations with Paul. This conversation shaped our plan for aesthetic brand qualities and determined the most cost-effective initial marketing tool for the new business. For Blink Lending’s goals, we determined that a website would be the best starting point for reaching potential clients.
Visual Elements
Avoiding the bland and overly wordy tradition of other lender content, we set out with a clear vision of creating digestible and visually pleasing content.
When dealing with important legal information, font selection cannot be overlooked. Ensuring readability, we selected an open-source font that’s visually appealing and fully legible on and off screen.
Make It Pop
Good design is all about balance, so we carefully selected variants of typical industry colors and found the right amount of flash without distracting from the content.
Digital Presence
Docs & Deets
Legal information, applicant forms, and educational PDFs – with so much information, we designed the site to have accessible yet compartmentalized information. Users aren’t inundated with too much at once; instead, they can choose to skim the surface or take a deep dive.
Content Connection
Creating content is essential to a brand’s growth, so we integrated Blink Lending’s YouTube channel into the website. Content posted to their YouTube channel becomes accessible on the Blink Lending site – no redirecting necessary.
Fun & Functional
Under the beautiful design and captivating content, there are strict requirements that must be met to build a website for a lenders. We are no strangers to compliance, and we accept the responsibility with awareness and precision.
Well Dressed, Well Spoken
Like with any full brand build, we mapped out a color scheme and textures that can be applied to any medium, laying the groundwork for a cohesive brand aesthetic, be it digital or print. And, while wearing the Blink Lending “uniform,” MDG writing consciously strives to match tone and voice – the brand should always look and sound authentically like itself.
Moving Forward
Building a brand is an ongoing process that requires active management. Left alone for too long, a brand will lose vibrancy and ultimately clients, so we are glad to help maintain the Blink Lending brand and continue to add to its story of success.
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We like to call that feeling 'strategic intuition'
and you should trust it.